sábado, 16 de agosto de 2008

London Pictures

St. Andrew's Park (I think?)
Had to go through here to use the trees as cover because it was raining really hard.

On the Pond

Waterloo Road 
Hostel was at the end and to the right.

Who built all this stuff?
Slaves I'm guessing

Big Ben
(Sorry Gordy I couldn't lean on it like you said.)

Westminister Abbey 

Yeah, I'm a badass photographer too.

Pigeons Kickin it. I saw some "pie" in London with pigeons in it. 
Watch out my brethren.

What is the point of the big hats? 
Easy target, yo.

My Humps

This one is for Mom. 
One day I'll get you one of those flats.

Done with London pictures. I'll get back with some Barcelona Pics in a little bit. Today I'm gonna hang out with Jen and Peter from UCSB (Mad cool), and then go to orientation at 5 pm (8am in LA, +9 hours here in BCN). If you feel like talking download Skype and give me a ring whenever you feel like it. Add me: stephancrall. Booyakah!

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