lunes, 18 de agosto de 2008

Mi escuela

What it don't. Today was my first day of classes. I got five. I'm learning Cantalán, which is pretty sweet, and also some cultural stuff about the city (complete with field trips). I like the Spanish classes out here way more, they just know how to do it better. The way my school works right now, is there is una Residencia (my dorm) and then we have to take the Metro to el Universitat de Barcelona. Everything is quite expensive out here, and they charge for everything (BBQ sauce, refills, using the basketball court), but I'm still having a great time. I need to find a place to live soon so I'm gonna post on the Barcelona Drum and Bass forum, so maybe I can live with some fellow Junglists. I took some pretty artsy pictures of my school, because its a really artsy building. I've also been working on my mix cd to give to some dj's this Saturday.

Other than that I've just been exploring, mostly by myself, because I feel like a kook going around the city with all these goofy looking American kids. Some are chill but for the most part...meh.  Tonight is Jen and Peter's last night in Barcelona, so we might go to a club.

 I can't wait to check out the drum and bass scene here. I hope its large and in charge! I've been bumping my new reggae CD that I got in LA before I left, Garrett, you gotta get your hands on this CD! Sizzla baby!

The first track "Praise Ye Jah" can easily be mixed with a dubstep track, so do it dj's. Sizzla is the man, and his love for Jah is inspiring. 

Now for the photos:

…Comó se dice "Ballliinn" en Español?

Other Side

Pigeon I ate:

shiceT style


Up or down? Or did I forget to rotate this one?

Dog Park across the street, complete with misleading signs.


Someone play this game for me. Thanks.

Alright I'm off to the cafeteria for dinner. Check back soon for pictures of the FC Barcelona stadium. It's only a five minute walk from here. Peace.

sábado, 16 de agosto de 2008

London Pictures

St. Andrew's Park (I think?)
Had to go through here to use the trees as cover because it was raining really hard.

On the Pond

Waterloo Road 
Hostel was at the end and to the right.

Who built all this stuff?
Slaves I'm guessing

Big Ben
(Sorry Gordy I couldn't lean on it like you said.)

Westminister Abbey 

Yeah, I'm a badass photographer too.

Pigeons Kickin it. I saw some "pie" in London with pigeons in it. 
Watch out my brethren.

What is the point of the big hats? 
Easy target, yo.

My Humps

This one is for Mom. 
One day I'll get you one of those flats.

Done with London pictures. I'll get back with some Barcelona Pics in a little bit. Today I'm gonna hang out with Jen and Peter from UCSB (Mad cool), and then go to orientation at 5 pm (8am in LA, +9 hours here in BCN). If you feel like talking download Skype and give me a ring whenever you feel like it. Add me: stephancrall. Booyakah!

London Dundon/Primer Dias en Barcelona

Wag wan! The last couple of days have been ridiculous; jet lag, double red bull vodkas, and hostels. Right now I'm kicking it in the most baller colegio, my dorm room is really cool and the buildings surrounding it are really cool. I think I'm at an all girls school because almost everyone here at the colegio is a girl (except my roomate). Check the room and view of el patio.

London was really awesome. Great architecture everywhere and it was all really close to my hostel. I went out with 2 New Yorkers and 4 Méxicanos . We got into club "On Anon" fo free so I did it up at the bar with the double red bulls. Met some girls who thought I was the Boss Mac because I have been to Hollywood and they took at least 10 to 20 pictures with me. Crazy. I was trying to tell them how lame LA is compared to London, but they wouldn't listen. One girl was an epileptic so I was kinda trippin' off the flash of all the cameras. Nice. I gave one my facebook so I'll try to grab some of those pictures because I bet they're hilarious. Here's some pictures from London Town. 

The Hostel-Piccadilly Backpackers


Buckingham Phallus

We went back later that night and were chilling then a guard came out with an Mp5 and was muggin... so we left.

More Pics TBC